💯 I also find their pattern of stateless and stateful verbose. The widget thing is farrrr less intuitive. The OO heavy “Every fine grained thing is a widget doing one job” results in extreme widget nesting, whereas React “View” is like a div and works with any rectangular container. And the styling is inconsistent, whereas anyone who knows CSS can pick up RN in 5mins. It can be border on one place, then you have to learn that to get a border on a input yet more wrapping in a BoxDecorator, and to get a background color it’s a fill not a background. Let’s not mention the terrible crime of having to write a dozen lines of code to get and update an input value using a TextEditingController…
Flutter is a superior tech with much better dev tools with fewer headaches but the architecture of the code itself was clearly dreamed by the sick and twisted minds of Java developers 🤢